This flybridge was added by a previous owner. It had a single bench seat at the controls. We decided to add capacity for guests.

The captain's bench seat awaits the dumpster while everything else is removed from the cabin top. A new layer of plywood will be needed to support the added seating.

The cabin top is cleared and new plywood added to increase structural strength for additional seating weight.

With flybridge cowling elevated, two thin plywood layers are installed.

Once plywood is down, a rubberized coating is rolled and tipped.

Once the surface was completed, the cowling could be reattached and a new bulkhead installed.

The old control panel was made from a sheet of unfinished aluminum,so it acted as a mirror on sunny days. We decided to replace it with a flat black panel to help reduce the glare.

Seat boxes are in, while seat backs are being made. Mast base is being fitted for mounting block.

New seating is complete with canvas storage in seat bottoms.

The mast was hinged to permit lowering when entering a covered mooring slip. Two air shocks slow the mast's descent and act as a stop at its lowest position.

Matte black surface reduces reflection. SIMRAD Navstation and Fuel Flow Meters are added to starboard.

These captain's chairs were a huge improvement over the original bench seat. The matte black control panel is in and the Simrad Navstation monitor is well located.

Seating converts to berthing by flipping up panels. Starboard side shown with panel up.

Originally ordered as a sedan, the flybridge was added in the '60s. Recently added ladder, seating, mast and new canvas bring her up to date.